On behalf of the Twinsburg Athletic Boosters (TAB), the Executive Board would like to extend the invitation to join, or renew your membership with us.
TAB works to positively promote Twinsburg Athletics at both the High School and Middle School level. A successful program carries pride across the school system and community. TAB provides our members and student-athletes opportunities for volunteerism and engagement in local events that encourages a sense of pride while raising funds to support our athletic programs.
To become a member or a sponsor of TAB for the 2024-25 school year. Click on our Membership tab.
Download our printable pdfs to share with members of your team.
2024 TAB Hall of Fame Nominations are Open!
The Twinsburg Athletic Boosters, in conjunction with the Twinsburg Athletic Department, is accepting applications for the 2024 TAB Hall of Fame Class of Inductees.
In order to be considered for the Hall of Fame, the nominee must have been graduated from Twinsburg High School / R.B. Chamberlin High School for a minimum of 5 years, have been an outstanding athlete while in attendance and meet the criteria.
During the fall/winter induction festivities, a plaque will be awarded to the inductee. A duplicate plaque will be displayed at Twinsburg High School as a lasting tribute to the individual.
Click here to download the application.. All applications should be completed and emailed to Brian Fantone at bfantone@twinsburgcsd.org or mailed to TAB Hall of Fame PO Box 146 Twinsburg, Ohio 44087 no later than August 30, 2024. Applications are also available in the Twinsburg High School Athletic Office.
Inductees will be recognized during the THS Homecoming Football Game vs. Solon Comets on Friday, October 4, 2024.
2024-25 School Year Meeting Schedule
TAB Membership meetings are held the second Monday of each month at THS (meetings are usually held in the Commons area). Please note meeting times and locations are subject to change and we will email our members of any changes that may arise. We hope you’ll join us!
Monday, August 19 @ 7:00pm
Monday, September 9 @ 7:00pm
Monday, October 14 @ 7:00pm
Monday, November 11 @ 7:00pm
Monday, November 18 @ 6:00pm – Fall Sports Banquet (THS Auditorium)
Monday, December 9 @ 7:00pm
Monday, January 13 @ 7:00pm
Monday, February 10 @ 7:00pm
Monday, March 10 @ 7:00pm
Monday, April 14 @ 7:00pm
Monday, May 12 @ 7:00pm
Congratulations to our Class of 2024 TAB Scholarship Award Recipients!
$1,000 Scholarship Winners
CJ Lyden – Al Baker Scholarship
Dominic Genova- Trainer Mike Sherer Scholarship
$500 Scholarship Winners
Josie Davis
Aiden Stuczynski
Genevieve Talentino
Jaden Dye
Brendon Payne
What We Do
Each year TAB provides funding for our Student-Athletes and Athletic Programs. Some specific projects include:
- TAB provides 2-$1,000 and up to 8-$500 scholarships to senior student athletes each year.
- TAB hangs Senior Banners, provided by Venditti Studios that are displayed each season. After the season, seniors are given their banners to remember their time as a Twinsburg Tiger.
- TAB purchases and displays a large “Congratulations Class of” banner in front of THS for graduation photo ops.
- TAB purchased new equipment for the High School and Field House weight rooms to benefit all athletic training programs.
- Equipment specific to support our female athletes as well as male athletes was identified by the coaching staff and approved by TAB membership.
- TAB provides T-Shirts to any varsity athletic program the league championship as well as, t-shirts for state qualifiers.
- TAB has sponsored Homecoming float kits for each class to decorate a homecoming floats.
- TAB has provided housing of floats and members donated their houses for the decorating of the floats.
- TAB has provided drivers and cars for homecoming parades.
- TAB provides flowers for Senior Night festivities.
- TAB provided pop-up tents for middle school cross country
- TAB provided the blow up Tiger Head and is that is displayed in outdoor activities for teams to run through.
- TAB provides a travel allowance for all state qualifying programs to help defray the cost of transportation and meals during state events.
- TAB provided the breakaway banner for the Varsity cheerleaders.
Members meet every second Monday in the Commons or Room E104 at Twinsburg High School at 7PM. Meetings last about one hour and we look forward to your representation at the next meeting.
TAB has several volunteer opportunities throughout the year that requires the support of our members and our student athletes.
Students are required to obtain volunteer hours for THS graduation. TAB provides several opportunities for all students to exceed your volunteer hours each year.
Twinsburg gains world wide recognition for the largest gather of twins. Each year Twinsburg Athletic Booster and Student Volunteers manage all of the parking and ticket sales for TwinsDays.
- TAB members staff the golf carts that transport twins and attendees to and from all of the parking lots.
- Look for our student Athletes, Coaches and Parents who staff the parking lots to guide attendees and collect funds for the TAB General Fund.
- Our Student Athletes, coaches and parents staff the tickets sales and collection stands at TwinsDays gate.
The TAB wrestling tournament takes place in Feb each year and has risen from 7 schools to 28 participating schools this past year with a waiting list. The success of this program promotes TAB across the state of Ohio and requires volunteerism from our membership and students to make it a success.
- TAB staffs 8 mats operating simultaneously with score keepers, tappers, and runners
- TAB provides Award Ceremony and Awards.
- TAB staffs food court for 2 day event.
TAB staffs the home side concession stand at all Varsity Football games. Look for volunteer information coming soon. TAB also staffs the indoor concession stand and shares dates with the Twinsburg Band Boosters.